Saturday, April 28, 2012

Mentored and Mentoring

This past Monday, I was excited to get a chance to leave my classroom and the annual pressure leading up to End of Grade tests and go to UNCC's Writing Project's Spring Conference. Kelly Gallagher was the key note speaker and is now my new go to writing guru.

My grade level has been working on using the Common Core standards to teach and assess argumentative writing. Our classes had been studying the differences between compact fluorescent and incandescent light bulbs for almost two months. Students had listened to speakers, created a 3 word essay, read articles, created comparison charts, read Venn Diagrams, analyzed charts, gone over rubrics for what a good argumentative essay contains, and been given a checklist to keep in their draft books. Yet, they still complained they didn't know what to write.

Kelly Gallagher’s maps were the missing piece. I was giving students lots of factual texts but nothing for them to use as a mentor to guide their writing. When I did show them an argumentative essay, I didn't teach them how to use it to create their own writing piece.

On Tuesday I went in early to work and began rewriting my writing lesson plans for the week. I found wonderful mentor texts at Write Source.

I gave the students a printed copy of an introductory paragraph and a conclusion paragraph. After a discussion about the purpose of a mentor text, we began "mapping" the introductory paragraph. Students watched as I used the mentor text and the map to write my own introductory paragraph.

My Mapping with the Students
Finally the students had a chance to try. It was amazing. For the first time ever, not a single child asked to go the bathroom or got out of their seat to grab a pencil. They immediately began writing. The same students that the Friday before couldn't seem to get more than one sentence written in 45 minutes were itching to write. I had freed them from the unknown. They had plenty to say and now they knew how to say it!

Mapping and Second Draft

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